Travis often poses some unique get-to-know-you questions that make me think before answering. Recently he asked me, "What are some things you look forward to every day?"
I love this kind of question, because it causes me to think of a list of positive things, and that always lifts my mood! So here are some of my answers...(I'd love to hear yours, too.)
Every day, I look forward to:
-drinking coffee
-greeting and feeding my happy cat
-"puttering," as my mom would say (tidying up the kitchen and doing little chores while the coffee is brewing)
-going outside by the pool to read and journal with God
-getting myself clean and fresh for the day (a.k.a. taking a shower and putting on perfume)
-interacting with my coworkers
-emailing with different friends on the team and outside of the team
-getting to know people through deeper conversation
-texting and talking with Travis
-looking at pictures of people I love and moments I cherish
-drinking ice cold water
-drinking coffee again
-communicating with my parents
-listening to music (the mix of the day depends on my mood)
-playing piano (if I remember)
-checking Facebook
-thinking of something blog-worthy
-hearing God speak throughout the day through various means
-making plans for the next day or weekend
-getting off work
-maybe exercising...maybe...
-reading my novel (currently working on Mansfield Park for the 2nd time)
-figuring out what to make for dinner
-being with Travis
-playing with Bingley
-getting into bed and falling asleep
A lot of these are somewhat routine, I know, but blessings nonetheless. What do you look forward to each day?
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