
thankful ten.

#224 - 245

Sara Groves' music

learning new things on the guitar, like blues scales (yes, finally)

God reminding me to not roll my eyes at myself

being reminded that God is the only One in my future (the devil doesn't belong there, and neither do my thoughts.)

the rain!!!!!!!

Trav coming home in exactly 48 hours

discovering new musical artists (currently into Sam Sparro)

growing more acquainted with the secret place

a weekend retreat to a new city with a good friend

"The Holiday"--as much as I don't like Cameron Diaz or her character's story, I so enjoy the Kate Winslet part of the movie!

finishing two novels while Trav's been away

consistently getting up early

consistently working out

practicing being still and truly being rewarded for it

being successfully dairy-free for two weeks

fresh figs

serving homemade dinners and dessert to good friends

handwritten letters

massage chairs

finding a way to have a French-toast-like treat without dairy

God's provision. He always provides when I am in need, and there are not enough numbers to recount the times He has done this for me...

resting in His Word (sometimes peacefully, and sometimes in total exhaustion...)


joy and other thoughts.

I just had a couple of thoughts to share today. Some of these things I'm sure you've heard before, but I think we can all stand to be reminded from time to time. :)

-We all need people who will help us laugh when we feel like crying. I know several of us on the worship team have been saved from breaking down in tears during a worship service because we've been distracted in the nick of time by some adlibbed craziness backstage. Laughter can save us from plunging the depths.

-We also need people who will cry with us. I have a friend who literally cried with me when my beloved cat died. I can't tell you what that kind of compassion can do for one's heart in the midst of trial...shared tears are powerful stuff.

-True vulnerability is more effective than the false appearance of strength. I have found this to be true in leadership, teamwork, friendship, and even mass communication. It paves the way for others to listen, to open up themselves, and to receive.

-Look for joy today. Search for it, expect it, and rejoice when you have found it. God has it somewhere around here, just for you...


a day in the life.

Travis often poses some unique get-to-know-you questions that make me think before answering. Recently he asked me, "What are some things you look forward to every day?"

I love this kind of question, because it causes me to think of a list of positive things, and that always lifts my mood! So here are some of my answers...(I'd love to hear yours, too.)

Every day, I look forward to:
-drinking coffee
-greeting and feeding my happy cat
-"puttering," as my mom would say (tidying up the kitchen and doing little chores while the coffee is brewing)
-going outside by the pool to read and journal with God
-getting myself clean and fresh for the day (a.k.a. taking a shower and putting on perfume)
-interacting with my coworkers
-emailing with different friends on the team and outside of the team
-getting to know people through deeper conversation
-texting and talking with Travis
-looking at pictures of people I love and moments I cherish
-drinking ice cold water
-drinking coffee again
-communicating with my parents
-listening to music (the mix of the day depends on my mood)
-playing piano (if I remember)
-checking Facebook
-thinking of something blog-worthy
-hearing God speak throughout the day through various means
-making plans for the next day or weekend
-getting off work
-maybe exercising...maybe...
-reading my novel (currently working on Mansfield Park for the 2nd time)
-figuring out what to make for dinner
-being with Travis
-playing with Bingley
-getting into bed and falling asleep

A lot of these are somewhat routine, I know, but blessings nonetheless. What do you look forward to each day?



God loves your voice. He wants to hear what you have to say. And He wants to hear you sing. Yes, sing. And yes, I mean you.

I’ve had people tell me that they never sing because at some point in their lives, they were told they had terrible voices. Someone made a joke, and it took root into the very foundation of their self-perception. And so, they stand amid the congregation during worship, silent...as if they are doing their fellow church-goers a favor. But when we do that, we end up denying God of one of the things He loves the most—our audible worship.

In the end, I don’t think His enjoyment has anything to do with the strength, tone or pitch of our voices (or lack thereof). Rather, I think it has everything to do with the sound our hearts are making as we choose to vocally express our praise, love, and desire for God.

The vocalization matters! God says repeatedly to make our music loud and to sing. The tone deaf, the offended, and the embarrassed are not left out from these commands. Why? Because God delights in our songs. Victories over the enemy are obtained through singing praise. And we are set free more and more as we press into God through all avenues of worship.

He gave you a voice. You, specifically. He gave you a brain and a mouth and a way to express your praise through words that are wholly your own. Open your mouth and sing! He LOVES your voice. He wants YOUR praise. It is precious to Him! What you have to say, and to sing, matters to the God of the universe. Don’t keep such a gift held back from Him.

Your voice is beautiful, no matter how it sounds.