Sara Groves' music
learning new things on the guitar, like blues scales (yes, finally)
God reminding me to not roll my eyes at myself
being reminded that God is the only One in my future (the devil doesn't belong there, and neither do my thoughts.)
the rain!!!!!!!
Trav coming home in exactly 48 hours
discovering new musical artists (currently into Sam Sparro)
growing more acquainted with the secret place
a weekend retreat to a new city with a good friend
"The Holiday"--as much as I don't like Cameron Diaz or her character's story, I so enjoy the Kate Winslet part of the movie!
finishing two novels while Trav's been away
consistently getting up early
consistently working out
practicing being still and truly being rewarded for it
being successfully dairy-free for two weeks
fresh figs
serving homemade dinners and dessert to good friends
handwritten letters
massage chairs
finding a way to have a French-toast-like treat without dairy
God's provision. He always provides when I am in need, and there are not enough numbers to recount the times He has done this for me...
resting in His Word (sometimes peacefully, and sometimes in total exhaustion...)
learning new things on the guitar, like blues scales (yes, finally)
God reminding me to not roll my eyes at myself
being reminded that God is the only One in my future (the devil doesn't belong there, and neither do my thoughts.)
the rain!!!!!!!
Trav coming home in exactly 48 hours
discovering new musical artists (currently into Sam Sparro)
growing more acquainted with the secret place
a weekend retreat to a new city with a good friend
"The Holiday"--as much as I don't like Cameron Diaz or her character's story, I so enjoy the Kate Winslet part of the movie!
finishing two novels while Trav's been away
consistently getting up early
consistently working out
practicing being still and truly being rewarded for it
being successfully dairy-free for two weeks
fresh figs
serving homemade dinners and dessert to good friends
handwritten letters
massage chairs
finding a way to have a French-toast-like treat without dairy
God's provision. He always provides when I am in need, and there are not enough numbers to recount the times He has done this for me...
resting in His Word (sometimes peacefully, and sometimes in total exhaustion...)