
Things I really, REALLY don't like

Take heed...

-People coming up behind me and squeezing/rubbing my shoulders. I don't care who you are. If I can't see your face, please don't touch me.
-Beeping things--alarm clocks, cell phones with new voicemail, etc.
-Being one of the first people at a party.
-Things shifting around or falling over in my car while I'm driving.
-Meetings I am required to attend that have nothing to do with me or my job.
-Rush hour in the rain when I'm hungry.
-Sore throats.
-Local commercials.
-Sticky substances in inappropriate locations (i.e. honey between my fingers or some such nonsense).
-Purple clothing...on me.
-Sometimes, talking on telephones.
-Most Southern Gospel music.
-Arrogance (in myself more than others)

Now I run the risk of getting a little too serious with this blog. It's a lot more fun to dwell on what you like rather than what you don't, isn't it? Just a thought...


Anonymous said...

Southern Gospel and local commercials are the very foundation of this country...you, my comrade, are a communist

Amy G-side said...

Hey Darlin'. Love this blog. You make me laugh...ha..ha..ha.

Thanks for the comment you left on my "I'm freaking out" blog. That was an encouraging verse and it was also awesome to hear you are carrying on the Girl's Gone Jesus name.

Remember...with a great position comes great responsibility. Be wise and go in peace my child.

yo yo,

Kristin said...

Well hopefully I can use this blog as a means to get to know you even better so that next time when you come and I * DON'T * have strep throat, we will surely be able to hang out more! And I promise I won't come up and touch you from behind... ;)