
for His renown.

I know from experience.

When God says in His Word that He is mighty to save, I can honestly say, "I know."

My God has rescued me from despair. He has delivered me from harmful patterns of thought. He has saved (and is saving) me from a long struggle with panic and anxiety. He has delivered me from all my fears over, and over, and over again. So when you hear me sing, "our God is the God Who saves," this weekend, know that I am singing from personal experience of that truth.

It is not for my deliverance alone that He rescued me. It is for others, too. Our stories spread His renown, so that all men can know, and choose to experience, that our God saves.

Today, I add to His renown. He is mighty to save, He is worthy of all my praise, and He is good. Amen.

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