I need to do one of these today...today I am thankful for:
#120 - 147
jump ropes
mums (flowers, not matriarchal figures)
playing wiffle ball
an unexpected few minutes with jeanne...she is always a delight.
having close friends who are good at finding the good
movie adaptations of my favorite stories (especially when they do them justice!)
freshly bloomed honeysuckle
riding with the windows rolled down
helping create and implement something new
playing piano
waking up to my cuddly, purry cat
enjoying a quiet morning with said cat
a devotional that hits me in exactly the right spot at exactly the right time
the season of Good Friday and Resurrection Day
a Sacrifice that really does cover all my sins - past, present and future
learning what victory really looks like
a complete foot-washing
knowing I will never again be unclean
a secure future
unconditional Love
knowing what being healed feels like
wine and bread
restored relationships
reflecting on how far I've come
reflecting on how much He has done
knowing that there are more good things ahead...
#120 - 147
jump ropes
mums (flowers, not matriarchal figures)
playing wiffle ball
an unexpected few minutes with jeanne...she is always a delight.
having close friends who are good at finding the good
movie adaptations of my favorite stories (especially when they do them justice!)
freshly bloomed honeysuckle
riding with the windows rolled down
helping create and implement something new
playing piano
waking up to my cuddly, purry cat
enjoying a quiet morning with said cat
a devotional that hits me in exactly the right spot at exactly the right time
the season of Good Friday and Resurrection Day
a Sacrifice that really does cover all my sins - past, present and future
learning what victory really looks like
a complete foot-washing
knowing I will never again be unclean
a secure future
unconditional Love
knowing what being healed feels like
wine and bread
restored relationships
reflecting on how far I've come
reflecting on how much He has done
knowing that there are more good things ahead...