

In Genesis 15:5, God makes a huge promise to Abram. He tells him that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky. For a guy who had no children and was well-advanced in years, that's a pretty mind-stretching statement to make. I read ahead, expecting Abram to ask some pertinent questions to clarify how this was going to happen.

Abram actually said nothing in response. He simply "believed the Lord." It was an automatic heart-response that said, "Whatever You say is true, no matter how crazy it may seem to me. I believe You." No questions, no doubt, just silent belief. 

Shouldn't that be my response to God all the time? An instinctive "amen," knowing that His words will come to pass? Instead, I read things in the Bible that seem too good to be true, and some that seem a bit harsh, and I think to myself, "Can that be? Really? Hmmm."

These are the very words of God. Where is there room for questioning? For doubt? Does He not follow through on everything He says? I have known Him long enough to understand that even if certain things haven't yet come to pass, they certainly will. He will do exactly as He says.

2 Cor. 1:20 - "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God..."

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