I acknowledge Pastor Phil Strange’s latest message as the inspiration for this blog post…
Phil got me thinking recently about the idea of “life as a jam session.” For you non-musical folks, a jam session is when a group of musicians come together and improvise music. They create on the spot as a team. It takes familiarity with your craft and also with your fellow players to be able to do this successfully, because it involves the art of listening and then responding with the skills you already have. This is also the way of improv theater, come to think of it…
The more familiar you are with the other players, the easier this kind of improvising becomes. In terms of the worship team I play with, we have spent so much time together on and off the stage that we know each other intimately. Sometimes it’s like we can read each other’s minds, and the effect of that unity on our group dynamic is nothing short of incredible.
God moves in that kind of unity…
The thing about jam sessions is, you have no idea what you’re going to create until you’re actually there, doing it. With improv theater, you’re creating a scene on-the-spot with no script. You’re purposely venturing into the unknown—with an audience. For a lot of people, including myself, the unknown causes some anxiety. But as you build trust and relationship with the ones you’re venturing into the unknown alongside, the fear becomes less. At least you’re facing it together, and at least you know who’s by your side.
Isn’t it that way with God? The more intimately we come to know Him and His character, the more assured we can feel as we walk into unchartered territory. We can face the future, having absolutely no idea what it contains, because we know the One Who is beckoning us forward.
Now, He is Who He is, regardless of how well we think we know Him. He is always good, and He will never change. But our growing understanding of His Truth builds our faith so that we can step into His future for us with some level of assurance. It changes our perception, and that makes all the difference.
I’m learning that it’s our perception of our future that either propels us forward in confidence, or keeps us crippled in fear of the unknown.
When we embrace the intimacy God offers us, life really becomes a jam session between us and Him. He brings all His goodness, power and wisdom to the table, and we bring our hearts, personalities, passions, and every other good thing He has created. And the flaws…we bring the flaws, too. And that’s also good, because it provides other areas for Him to complete us.
I want to know God so well that I'm comfortable living life as a jam session with Him. When I look through the Bible, I see the glorious results of living that way…and I want in! I am determined to become a good improviser, because He has made me competent to do so. He is enough, and so am I...how about you?

This past weekend, Trav and I checked two things off our "dating bucket list": ice-skating and bowling. You would think that we would have accomplished these things when we first started dating, but they ended up being a part of our engagement period instead. I think it was better that way, at least regarding ice-skating. The fact that I was willing to stumble around on slippery ground and potentially look ridiculous for an hour and a half is indicative of true intimacy...
The bowling expedition was great fun, especially at the uninhabited Swamp Fox Lanes in Moncks Corner. The whole time I was thinking of Jim Gaffigan's bit on bowling...especially the dirtiness of the equipment.
There's something romantic about doing the simple things like bowling...what do you and your significant other like to do on dates?
thankful Christmas!
it's been a busy and wonderful 9 days of Christmas so far...much to be thankful for. Here's a recap of the highlights to add onto my Thankful list:
-Christmas Eve dinner with my mom, my dad and stepmom, and my future in-laws. (It was great. How many people can boast of that? True redemption.)
-Christmas morning with Mom
-Christmas Day dinner with 20 or so friends and family members--one big family, really.
-wearing lots of fun, dangly earrings
-dreaming of the future with Travis
-counting down the days 'til the wedding
-watching "Wives and Daughters" multiple times
-drinking tea at home
-drinking tea with future mom-in-law at This Whole House
-coffee, coffee, coffee
-a whole week of quiet mornings with Bingley
-taco night
-"War Horse" and "We Bought a Zoo"
-"Megamind" and "How to Train Your Dragon"
-holiday scented candles, supremely discounted
-buying our first Christmas tree
-new kitchen toys to play with
-a cat stocking for Bingley
-watching Travis shoot his rifle
-cheering on Jeanne while she tests out new zombie video games
-date night
-changing out my closet and giving clothes away
-having a relaxed schedule for an entire week (thank you, Greg Surratt!)
-thinking about reading a book...but too busy relaxing to actually do it...so I'll blog instead. :)
Happy New Year to you!
-Christmas Eve dinner with my mom, my dad and stepmom, and my future in-laws. (It was great. How many people can boast of that? True redemption.)
-Christmas morning with Mom
-Christmas Day dinner with 20 or so friends and family members--one big family, really.
-wearing lots of fun, dangly earrings
-dreaming of the future with Travis
-counting down the days 'til the wedding
-watching "Wives and Daughters" multiple times
-drinking tea at home
-drinking tea with future mom-in-law at This Whole House
-coffee, coffee, coffee
-a whole week of quiet mornings with Bingley
-taco night
-"War Horse" and "We Bought a Zoo"
-"Megamind" and "How to Train Your Dragon"
-holiday scented candles, supremely discounted
-buying our first Christmas tree
-new kitchen toys to play with
-a cat stocking for Bingley
-watching Travis shoot his rifle
-cheering on Jeanne while she tests out new zombie video games
-date night
-changing out my closet and giving clothes away
-having a relaxed schedule for an entire week (thank you, Greg Surratt!)
-thinking about reading a book...but too busy relaxing to actually do it...so I'll blog instead. :)
Happy New Year to you!
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